Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Holy cow, it's been a LONG time since I've blogged!!!  Like, over a freaking year!  Well, let me recap please:

I got injured before the NY Marathon, but I ran it anyway.  It hurt.  A lot.  I'm better now.

I lost my little sister almost a year ago.  That basically took away all drive to blog or do a lot of other things.  I'm (kind of) better now.

I started working more, and then more, and then a little more.  I'm teaching three times more than I was at first, and I LOVE it.  It's my release from sadness, stress, frustration, and general day-to-day blahs.  It makes my heart very happy.  And I'm really good at it, if I say so myself.

My family is doing great, the kids are growing and becoming more awesome and yet more insane by the day.  With age comes attitude, but I still know that they are some of the coolest kids around.  My daughter is advancing quickly in TaeKwonDo and is due to get her black belt this coming August!  We're blown away by that, and also super grateful that she'll be prepping for it during summer break when she doesn't have homework.  The boy is also doing well, and is enjoying his preschool immensely.  He's becoming a gamer a little more than we'd like to see, but we make him go out for exercise as much as possible.  The second he gets outside he's happy as a lark, so I know we're doing alright.  He's also in TaeKwonDo, and his favorite part is the loud yelling.  Of course.

Christmas kiddos
My husband is also doing well,,working hard, and training with me for a faster half marathon.  He'll also hopefully be a new contributor on the blog!  He is becoming a better cook as we speak, and I'm trying to convince him to audition for Master Chef.  He'll be adding some wonderful healthy recipes to the page as I request (aka beg and plead) of him.  Please, if you know him, pester the living crap out of him to help me with this.  Seriously, your mouths will thank you later!!

So that's it.  It's been a busy year, a painful year, and it's now a new and MUCH more awesome year.  I personally plan to grab life by the balls and kick as much ass as humanly possible this year.  I hope to start offering some fun new workouts, monthly challenges, healthy recipes, daily tips, and general healthy family fun-ness.  Game on!!

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