Friday, November 16, 2012

Five Things Friday, Mostly Funstuffs

1.  I would've posted yesterday, but it was a bit completely and utterly insane busy.  The kiddo has had a cold and it culminated into a snotty, coughing ball of gross yesterday.  So of course, there was no sleep the night before and no school yesterday.  I had a lot of chores to do in the morning, and then we had to head out to our home design meeting!  The kids stayed with my fantastic neighbor, which is a good thing considering they may have completely destroyed that place.  So hubby and I (and our awesome realtor) spent 4+ hours in a very overwhelmingly crowded room, deciding every last detail of the construction of our house.  By the end, I was hangry (hungry + angry, my realtor taught me that term) and ready to hibernate.  We came home to crazy sick kids, put them to bed, and promptly drank decompression beer.  It was glorious.  I'm still a bit mooshy, but we'll have a dang fine house!

2.  I'm excited about tomorrow--our entire family is going to The Color Run!!  It's a 5k, but not as much of a "race" as an experience.  The onlookers throw colorful powder all over the runners, making one big chaotic rainbow of fun!  We're plopping the kids in the double jogger and heading up the rear in anticipation for some colorful craziness.  I'm putting the kids in their shittiest cold weather clothes (I hear that stuff stains) and bringing an arsenal of sunglasses and a rain cover in case it's too overwhelming for them.  We're the final wave, so hopefully we can get there early and throw color onto the previous runners.  I'm too excited!

3.  I'll sandwich my downer in between the fun stuff--my giveaway here isn't going too well.  I still don't have that many entries, and it's probably because everyone is busy with pre-holiday stuff.  Still, I'm only slightly offended and can get over it.  BUT if you haven't entered yet, you should!  It may "just" be Chapstick, but it's actually pretty decent stuff and it's FREE.  Do it.  It'll make me feel accomplished, and I'll smile.  Yay for smiling!

4.  Back to good stuff.  I have two pretty awesome races on my radar right now for this winter.  The first one I've already signed up for, and it's the Carolinas Spartan Sprint.  It will complete my Trifecta (one of each distance race in a year), and I'll get a bad-ass medal for it that day!  Not only that, but I'll be doing their Hurricane Heat, my very first one!!!!  It's before the light of day Saturday morning, a grueling 4-ish hours of teamwork and buttkickery.  I'm scared and stoked.  Mostly scared.  The other race I'm even more scared of though.  And honestly I'm not sure yet that I'm doing it, so I'll just leave you with that.  These next few weeks I'll be buckling down and seeing if I think I can muster it up.  Then, IF I register, I'll tell you all about it.  I hope that's not too ambiguous, I'm just afraid of mentioning it and then failing.  We'll see.

5.  This one is craft-related.  My kids have been doing some really adorable things lately, and I just wanted to share.  We've been in the Thanksgiving spirit, starting with our Thankful Tree.  Every day, my daughter writes one thing she's thankful for on a "leaf" I made from construction paper, and we tie it to some branches we have in a vase on our dining table.  Today she is thankful for her teachers.  I haven't done any suggesting at all for her daily choices, which is probably apparent when you look at them (one of them is money, haha!)  We also made some cool things when my husband was out of town and the weather was bad.  And the kids were sick.  Because all of those things seem to go together, right?  Like one big poostorm.  Anyway, here's what we've come up with:
A turkey and a Thanksgiving flag.  I only helped a little.
We've made a few other random, completely from-scratch things, and I'm kinda loving it.  I usually try to go into every craft (and especially seasonal ones) with an idea and a goal in mind.  But lately I've been so overwhelmed with in-my-own-head home designing, my creativity comes up blank for kid crafts.  I can't even sew a simple project right now, my head just spins with other random ideas.  But that's okay, because chaos is fun!

So--what projects are you working on right now?  Do you have any races coming up soon or even this winter that you're really looking forward to?  Is there anything about anything you feel like mentioning?  Tell me, tell me!

1 comment:

  1. Have fun with the Color Run tomorrow! I didn't enter the Chapstick giveaway because we honestly don't use it at all. I'd rather it go to someone that will use it.
