Friday, January 4, 2013

Happy Friday!

I've gotten to run three days in a row this week, and I feel gooooooooood!  I have the "runner's high" that I was missing during that terrible stint of illnesses.  I ate fairly well for most of our Christmas trip (aka didn't go to restaurants but still had fudge at my family's house), and now I'm back on my game.  Next stop--two or maybe three Spring marathons!  I also have my Spartan Sprint in March, which wouldn't be as huge of a deal if it weren't paired with the Hurricane Heat.  Which means that I need a good bit of strength training put in with all that running.  Since I need to stay quite strict with my training right now I'll share with you my schedule, minus exact mileage, at present:

Monday--PiYo Strength home workout
Tuesday--Short run, HIIT
Wednesday--Mid-length run
Thursday--Short run, yoga class
Friday--2-miler (when I need the added mileage), weights
Saturday--absolutely jack squat!
Sunday--Long run

I have it all on paper and printed out, and that means it's real and happening and I can't get out of it now.  It feels fantastic!  If you have a fitness goal and you haven't done this already--PUT IT ON PAPER.  Post it to your fridge, hang it up at work, put the workouts into your phone, and tell people about it.  The more accountable you make yourself, the more likely it will happen!  Because if you don't do it, you'll feel like an ass.  And that's a great motivator at least for me.

This Sunday will be my 11-miler, and I'm already stoked.  It's been a while since I've hit the greenway, and my body is already anticipating the pavement-pounding.  What do you all have going on in your fitness training right now?  Weekend plans?  Happy Friday!

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