Thursday, July 19, 2012

Three Things Thursday, big changes

I know I tend to get a little self-involved on here, but it is MY blog, right?  So I have a few super cool things to tell you about what's happening with me right now, and then I'll attempt to get out of lazy vacation mode and on to the family fitness path once again. 

1.  First off, I've stopped drinking soda as of Monday.  Cold turkey.  We ran out, and I decided it was time.  And holy crap.  It's painful at times!  I have a shot of espresso in my morning protein shake, and most days that's it.  If I'm hurting something horrible, I have a very weak iced coffee in the afternoon.  But I haven't put any nasty artificial sweetener or canned caffeinated crap in my body in days!!!!  I've had some headaches and a few body aches even.  I've gotten twinges of a sweet tooth, but I've tried to cancel it out by eating real FOOD instead.  I grab some carrots and bean dip or a peanut butter and peach sandwich, pretend it's junk, and it seems to do the trick.  Sometimes I just give into the cravings completely.  So yeah, I'm probably going to gain a little weight.  But that's totally healthier than what I was doing to my body before, and I'm quite fine with it.  If you want to join me on the soda-less journey, let me know!  I'd love to have a partner (or ten), and we can update each other on how we're doing.  Yay for being good to our bodies!

2.  My Healthy Family Challenge is coming right along!  I've gathered even more goodies for the giveaway and I'm thinking of more fun stuff for challenges as I type this.  I just have to take the time to make Photoshop banners for it all, and that's my downfall.  Mama ain't so good with computers.  So yeah, let's see how that works.  But otherwise, be prepared for a month of healthy awesomeness!

3.  Biggest news so far--It's official, I'm becoming a Certified Personal Trainer!!!!  I ordered my training package/test yesterday, and I've already started reading the manuals online!  I've slacked horribly with finding a job teaching PiYo Strength, mostly because I reached out and got shot down a few times and it broke my confidence.  BUT I feel that this is a new start and it will get my foot in the door at gyms, along with that extra certification, to teach both private instruction and group classes.  I've thought about it for almost a year now, and even considered it before moving to Germany (back when I worked in a women's gym--best job ever!!), and I'm just absolutely sure it's the right path for me.  It will give me the full education and confidence that I need to not only help people in person, but to make excellent fitness programs on this blog as well.  So starting now, I'm doing my PiYo Strength workouts in the morning to get them memorized, doing my regular workouts throughout the days, and nights will be studying CPT training manuals.  On very little caffeine.  This will be a ride, that's for sure.

How are you doing?  Big fitness/health plans for your future?  Let me know, it can't be ALL about me!!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE! I have done the no soda thing so many times. I need to start again. I've cut back but haven't gone cold turkey yet or cut it completely. YAY for giveaways! And I am so excited about your CPT deal!!!! Wish you were closer. :)
